Saturday, September 13, 2008

Every Night Will Be Different

We have two performances under our belt. I think that we have definitely created a show that will move people if they let it. I wasn't sure how it would be received because it is just so different than anything I've ever experienced. It is a wonderful piece of work, and I am so glad that I get to be a part of it. I was talking with my husband the other night and I said that it hard to go back to my day job because it feels like my real work is being done during Hair.

Being a part of Hair is also starting to change me in small ways. I have already written on this blog about how liberating it was to do the nude scene, but I have noticed that my thoughts are changing, my perspective is expanding in certain aspects. I am really gaining a sense of who I am and where I fit in this world.

We go out and mingle with the audience prior to the start of the show. This is a little disconcerting for the audience because the "fourth wall" is just such a huge part of live theater. I have noticed that many members of the audience like to play along with us, and seem to like being welcomed by us, but there are also other members who don't want to. It is a very hard thing to go be happy and joyful and vulnerable to a whole room of people, some of which may not want anything to do with you, or may just want to be amused at your expense, or make fun of you, or whatever. I was gifted today with an expanded perception of what exactly it is that we are doing. We are baring our deepest selves to an audience and asking them to make changes for the betterment of us all.

I have read about how we all share a common consciousness and that the truth of our existence is that we are all one, but I have not ever had a practical experience of this truth until Hair. We go from being friendly strangers with an audience to integrating them into our family, making them part of our Tribe. When we sing our final song to the audience, I feel the connections that we are creating, I can almost see the energy that we are sending into the audience. We are creating magic every night, and I just wish that as many people as possible will come experience it.

I think that the bonds between the Tribe members are strengthening as well. We spend so much time together -- it is so great that we all can get along. I know that what we have is not the usual experience of actors working on a show, usually there are people that don't get along with everyone else, blah blah blah. But we really actually like each other and we have spent time with each other away from the theatre. I also really like that we have group warm-ups together, led by Todd (Claude). They help ground everyone and sharpen their focus for the task at hand.

I don't have too much else to say right now, I'm just waiting for my laundry to get done and wanted to jot something down quick. It'll be time to go to the theater soon, and reach some more people. What a joy it is, what a pleasure, what a gift. I hope I'll see you there?

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